It is important to choose chemometrics software which is both appropriate
to your requirements and compatible with your personal style. No single package
is right for everybody. That is why we sell and support a number of different
software packages, spanning the range from command-line to completely menu-driven.
We know these packages very well, and we have the experience to guide you to the
software which is right for you. Our products include:
- Chemometrics Toolbox for MATLAB
- Factor Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB
- Symbion Software
- Thermo Fisher GRAMS
- Multi-Quant for Windows and other platforms
- Multi-Qual for Windows and other platforms
- Camo Unscrambler
- Camo Unscrambler On-line Predictor
- Infometrix Pirouette
- Infometrix Pirouette Lite
- Infometrix InStep
and more!
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